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Flood Zone: AE || Base Flood Elevation: 14 || Vertical Datum: NAVD88 || Units: FEET

Flood Zone AE

Highlighted Part of the Flood Zone


The 2D maps come from the NYC Flood Hazard Mapper provided by the New York City Department of City Planning. The map focuses on the potential flooding in a specific area of the flood zone. The 3D models of the building are also provided by the New York City Department of City Planning. In the 3D model, the flooding data provided from the flood hazard mapper was imported into the 3D model, providing a better sense to a viewer of the scale of flood risk to the area. In the first highlighted part of the flood zone, there is a current risk of floods up to 14 feet due to climate change effecting sea level rise and storm surge.

In the second part of the flood zone, there is a current flood risk of around 15 feet due to the same factors mentioned above. As seen by these images, many areas in Hunt's Point are currently at very high risk for major flooding (especially near the waterfront). This not only poses an issue to inhabitants but also the industry at Hunt's Point that keeps the entire city running. As of now, there are no major waterfront resiliency plans that have been put into action in the area. 

The resiliency methods above will explore to efficiency and the practicality of each of the methods.

Flood Zone: AE || Base Flood Elevation: 15 || Vertical Datum: NAVD88 || Units: FEET


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