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Highlighted Part of the Flood Zone



Flood Zone: AE || Base Flood Elevation: 4.48 || Vertical Datum: NAVD88 || Units: FEET w/Green Infrastructre


Installing green infrastructure is a very popular waterfront resiliency method amongst members of the community. The Hunts Point community specifically has never had much access to the waterfront or any greenspace. Examples of green infrastructure include parks, gardens, and trails.

Green infracture provides porous surfaces so that in cases of sudden water rise, water can be absorbed into the ground to prevent flooding. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, green infrastructure averages in about a 68% reduction in overall flooding in the area.

In the 3D models provided, we can see as opposed to no resiliency, the installation of green infrastructure in the Hunts Point waterfront significantly decreases the amount of flooding in the area. Specifically, in the first area it goes from a risk of 14 feet of flooding to only a 4.48 feet risk of flooding. In the second area, it goes from a 15 feet risk to a 4.8 feet risk.


Flood Zone: AE || Base Flood Elevation: 4.48 || Vertical Datum: NAVD88 || Units: FEET


Green infrastructure seems very beneficiary as it provides a place for the community to gather and it helps prevent flooding significantly. However, critics say that installing green infrastructure is a lengthy process and it is not as cost effective as other resiliency methods such as building hardening.

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